

Beautiful People of the Future

Under the auspices of “capturing something beautiful,” I sometimes enter into the world with a camera. Why I feel that beauty needs to be captured is a rabbit hole for another entry at best. It is more likely that such questions are a sinful waste of what little brain power I posses. Oh, if only such exercises could be deemed masturbatory, that would at least feel good…on the mind. Thankfully, I force myself to do more productive things like writing about how upset I’d be if I actually decided to spend time thinking about why I felt beauty needed to be captured. I am not a smart man.

Believing so completely that one’s face is a piece of art that one acts more like dried acrylic on canvas instead of living, moving flesh infuriates me.

Sometimes shooting models makes me want to shoot models.

Clement however, is youthful; energetic even. He moves and breathes, sweats as he wrestles against the sun and his outfit, smiles and then laughs. Seeing his life from the distance of a camera lens makes my existence easier.